Philosophy of Service

OUR MISSION STATEMENT – Professional Service – Personal Care

“Professional Service”

We believe that knowledge is power. By constantly learning and acquiring new skills and techniques, we are prepared to provide the most modern and highest quality professional service.

We believe in being optimistic and industrious, working with great fervor, enthusiasm, and cheerfulness. We also pride ourselves as being reliable and punctual. We make every attempt to reduce patient apprehension and dissipate the many misleading notions about root canal treatment. We are educators in root canals.

“Personal Care”

We believe that happiness, peace of mind, heart, and strong character are achieved through honesty, integrity, and high ethical and moral virtues. We strive to demonstrate these beliefs and virtues through the personal care offered our patients.

We believe each patient is a unique person of great worth, deserving respect, kindness and compassion. We take the time to express interest and concern as we determine the needs, wants and values of each patient.

We improve our patients’ quality of life by helping retain teeth, alleviate suffering through pain relief and eliminate disease. This is our commitment in providing Professional Service and Personal Care.